Friday, February 6, 2009

Sustainability at Oak Lane Day School - Did You Know?

It occurred to me the other day that, as a community, you might not know about all of the "earth-friendly" practices that are taking place at Oak Lane Day School.

You might know that we are composting lunch and snack scraps. You might know that we plant and nurture native plants, and remove and discourage invasive plants. You also might know that we have a sustainable garden that uses the compost and water from a rain barrel. Las
tly, you probably know that we recycle as much as possible: paper and cardboard, metal, glass, and plastics #1 and #2.

But, do you know about these?...

• Landscape Design: Plants are chosen that need less watering and hence reduce our use of water and also our use of energy in doing the watering. (Native plants are preferred!)

• Cleaning Supplies: "Green" cleaning supplies are favored, and are provided for use in the classrooms.
• Fluorescent Lights: The lights at Oak Lane are mostly energy saving fluorescent bulbs. Any remaining incandescent bulbs will be switched to fluorescent when replaced in the future.
• Insulation: When the Perch Hankin Building roof was repaired in 2001, insul
ation was added and the roof was coated with white finish, which allowed for energy savings. Energy use went noticeably down after these two improvements.
• Heat: The heat in the Leah Cutler Gym is on a timer so that temperatures are lower when the Gym is not in use.
• In the School Hallways: Doors are closed when heat or air conditioners are used.
• Outside Doors: These doors are closed when heat or air conditioners are used. Heat is turned down or off when the school is not in session.

• Integrated Pest Management: Pesticides and herbicides are used sparingly, if at all, paying attention to the least harmful way when controlling these problems.

All of these choices help the environment, and you can consider using them at home, too. We can all make a difference to protect the air, water and land that surround us.

-- Dottie Baumgarten, Science Teacher --

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