Friday, April 10, 2009

The Anita Mednick Legacy Concert: A Testimony to the Talent of Oak Lane Students

ON THIS PAST SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH, the Cutler Gymnasium was filled with the spirit of music, art and the Oak Lane community. Nearly 90 people, including current and former families and faculty, alumni of various generations dating back to the 60's and their families, Board members, and family and friends of the Mednicks', gathered for an afternoon of music and art, in memory of Anita and in honor of Armand.

Concert PerformersThe sun shone brightly as guests listened to a movement of a Bach Sonata played by Delia Raab-Snyder, Anita and Armand's granddaughter, followed by Hungarian Folksongs played by faculty members Marlis Kraft-Zemel, Janet Easlea, and Rainer Beckmann. Alumni and former students of Anita's, Maya Sabin, David Zaslav, Mariah and Miles Butler, Miriam Zemel, Lisa Spiller, Alain and Julien Schremmer, and Ashley Opalka, all performed with grace and skill nurtured by Anita and Marlis as they grew up in the Oak Lane music program. Anita's daughter, Claudia, got everyone singing with her "Anita" verse to a Mexican song, and current 5th grade student, Claudia Villa, wowed the crowd with her amazing voice singing a Russian song, Ryabinushka, accompanied by her classmate Chandler Kalitsi on recorder. Sixth grader Jessica Vorse took the leap to play in a quartet with her teachers, and Brayden Druger and DreConcert Performersw Jacobson performed one of Mr. Mednick's favorite songs, Chevaliers de la Table Ronde, on the recorder and guitar. What great confidence in such young performers!!

This, the 3rd annual Anita Mednick Legacy Concert, showed again what makes Oak Lane a unique and outstanding place to grow up. In the words of parent Stacey Jacobson, "The Anita Mednick Legacy Concert exceeded my wildest expectations. I am still blown away by what I saw. The talent in that room from Oak Lane students, faculty and alumni, ranging in age from 9-50+, was exceptional. Many students leave Oak Lane learning to think outside the box. This was so evident in the selections chosen. Students were singing soConcert Performersngs in many languages and playing music written by French, German, and Russian composers, as well as their own original compositions. The pride on the performers faces, along with the elation I felt as a parent, was one in a million. Thank you Marlis and Oak Lane for a job extremely well done."

A slide show
of artwork and quotes from alumni documented the impact Mr. Mednick has had on Oak Lane's art program and students since 1960. Together, he and his late wife Anita have over 75 years of teaching here at Oak Lane. They have inspired many young people in their love of music and art as evidenced by the attendance and performance of former students. Sunday's concert was a wonderful collaboration in their honor.

-- Carina Urbach, Associate Director of Development --